"After 27 years fighting fires in a rural dept. , I retired, ended up as treasurer of the Board of Directors, watching all the spending. When I first saw your markers on a neighboring dept. they nearly blinded me as to how bright they were. I convinced the board to purchase them only after the free sample was put on the hydrant in front of the station. They tax payers commented about them at our next Annual taxpayer meeting saying they saw hydrants that were "lost" in the past and they didn't even know one was that close to their homes.
When they were taken off for servicing and painting the hydrants, the calls came in as to when we were going to put them back on "their" hydrants. THE TAXPAYERS NOTICED a good thing.
Thanks for the quick , continued service when we needed more markers."
Gary Michael
Reeds Fire Dept.
City of London, CA - deploys Mark-A-Hydrant® reflectors on their over 9000 hydrants
"In the fall of 2014, you might notice something new when you look at one of London''s fire hydrants...The highly visible reflective markers will instantly provide the London Fire Department with important information regarding the flow capacity of each hydrant in the City."
"St. Charles discovered Mark-a-Hydrant markers several years ago. This past year we tried a "wrap-around" type. I can tell you there is no comparison. Mark-a-Hydrant markers are by far so much brighter!"
Jim Chimento
Assistant Chief
East St. Charles VFD
Region of Peel, CA - Press Release
"The Region of Peel is nearing completion of a program that will have all of its 25,859 hydrants in the Cities of Brampton, Mississauga and the Town of Caledon affixed with reflective markers that are easier for fire fighters to see at night."
"As a volunteer dept in a rural area our hydrants are few and far between. We have previously marked the roadways with the blue reflective diamonds but they get worn off and aren't always replaced in a timely manner. Your reflectors make it very easy to spot a hydrant from at least a quarter of a mile away if not farther depending on the type of headlights mounted on a vehicle. The bright red reflectors catch your eye easily regardless of the weather and visibility conditions, and are easy to place and replace."
Tom Henery
Safety Officer
Southeast VFD, MS
FireHouse Subs Donates Mark-A-Hydrant® reflectors to Roebuck Fire in Spartanburg County, SC
Chris Harvey, captain of Roebuck Fire District, said the hydrant markers will allow first responders to quickly identify the flow range of hydrants and expedite the process of determining which one will help them best put out a fire.
"This is a big deal, especially when we have other departments assisting us," Harvey said. "They are not as familiar with the hydrants in our area as we are. This allows them to quickly and quietly identify which ones will best meet their needs for putting out a fire. … It saves time and will probably save lives. We are very grateful."
Chris Harvey
Roebuck Fire Department
Spartanburg County, SC
We began using the markers several years ago. At that time, we purchased only enough to put on about 15 hydrants. Last year our board members really liked the appearance of the hydrants with the markers, they decided we needed to install markers on all 500 hydrants, since this year we were flow testing and painting our hydrants. We have received numerous compliments from individuals within the community about the appearance of the hydrants.
We like the product because it's highly visible at night, holds up well under various weather conditions and provides an easily visible reference for the fire department for location and fire flow. We will continue using your products for all of our hydrant marking needs.
Elizabethtown Area Water Authority
Elizabethtown, PA
Operations Supervisor
Steve Bixler
“The standard identifies painting hydrants to indicate available water flow capabilities to extinguish a fire, while the markers convey the same information in a cost effective, reflective and easily identifiable package.”
“The markers also benefit firefighters by making the nearest hydrant to a fire scene easier to find in the dark, which could save time in an emergency.”
John Osborne
Deputy Fire Chief
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
“To find a solution with the full support of the fire chiefs that provides a unique, identifiable marker and allows the hydrants be compliant with industry standards shows an excellent partnership in helping to keep our communities safe.”
Dan Labrecque, Commissioner of Public Works.
The Region of Peel
Ontario, Canada
"I just wanted to take a second to tell you how much my department likes your product, mark-a-hydrant. First let tell you where my fire department is located, we are located along US-61 about 20 miles west of New Orleans headed to Baton Rouge. The first time I saw your product I was in the middle of the country on vacation and noticed all the hydrants in this one city had the reflective markers on them you could see where the hydrant was a block to a block and a half away. I stopped to look at them and got the web address from the back of the marker.
Our department does hydrant inspections twice a year and we were tired of replacing the markers that you put down on the road, time consuming, hard to work with due to having to mix the glue, and forever replacing the reflectors that you put down on the road because they fail after being rolled over by vehicles. So I ordered about 20 mark-a-hydrant reflectors to test. I wanted to see how they would hold up in the south Louisiana heat and if we would lose any to kids. Everything worked out great. We put them on selected hydrants some in subdivisions and some by businesses. A year later not one marker was gone from the hydrants and they looked as good after one year as they did when they were put on the hydrants.
We have had these markers in place for a few years and they still look as good as when they were put on the hydrants."
Thanks again,
Chief Thomas Barreca, Jr.
Norco Area Vol.
Fire Dept.
We recently had an Asst. Chief forward a letter he sent his fellow Fire Chiefs. He loves the product and thought some of his neighbors could benefit from Mark-A-Hydrant® reflectors -- here's what he had to say...
"Here is a great opportunity for you to purchase some exceptional hydrant markers. We have tried painting the hydrant top with reflective paint. Time consuming and dulls very quickly. We have put reflectors on the road to have them knocked up. With this marker all you have to do is remove the caps and place the marker then replace cap. We have had them in place for quite a while, with contractors in the area using hydrants to fill their water trucks and none have come up missing. As some of you have seen, these markers are very visible at night. So if you are interested contact these people. Hope you have a great New Year."
Tom Ellis, Asst. Chief
Personal Property Officer
So. Montgomery Co.
V.F.D. & Rescue Squad
"We have been using Mark-A-Hydrant® hydrant markers for a few years now. At first we bought a few to try them out. I now use nothing but their products for my hydrant marking needs.
We continue to use their product for a couple of reasons;
First of all, they are highly visible at night. I am still amazed how well their marker reflects from great distances.
Secondly, they are easy to put on and they look really professional day or night.
Third, they have held up in the environment we live in. From snow and cold in the winter to high UV ray levels year round, these markers hold up very well.
Lastly, I have received nothing but quick reliable service from the customer service side of the company.
I will continue to buy their products because they are made well, they are priced very reasonably, and they work great."
Thanks again,
Chris Pond, Engineer
Highlands Fire Department
Flagstaff, AZ
"We definitely are impressed with how your sample has been holding up for almost 4 years, they look as if we just installed them.The reflective visibility at night that the markers provide is excellent.We wish we were able to afford and purchase enough to cover all our hydrants, but because of budget cuts we have chosen to purchase so many per year until all of our hydrants have been covered."
Thanks again,
John Kirchner, Fire Chief
Diamond Fire Company
Walnutport, PA
“I would like to comment about the Hydrant Markers that we purchased from you. We have tried several things to enable us to locate hydrants at night. From white paint with reflective beads in it, to blue road markers. The painting of the hydrants with the beads is very time consuming and has to be repeated about every three years. The blue road markers are forever being knocked up by traffic and have to be replaced. Now as for “MARK-A-HYDRANT®” markers, they are very simple to install and there appears to be no maintenance at all. Durability is very good and reflect ability is exceptional. We could not be happier. Any department that invests in them will be very pleased with them. I have given the information to two departments in this area for their consideration. Great job “MARK-A-HYDRANT."
Tom Ellis, Asst. Chief
Personal Property Officer
So. Montgomery Co.
V.F.D. & Rescue Squad
"Here at the Page Fire Department we have found your products to be exceptional in locating our water supplies. We use the red markers to locate the general use hydrants for water supply at fire scenes. We use the blue markers to identify hydrants that have (FDCs) Fire Department Connections near by for sprinkler systems and standpipes and should be supplied by that hydrant. It is just a reminder to the firefighters to look for a connection that is available near that hydrant. We are looking forward to continuing the use of your products from mark a hydrant here at the Page Fire Department."
Howard P. Rosenberg
Fire Marshal
Page Fire Department
"We are a career fire department in Indiana. I have been looking for a solution to mark our hydrants. We use the NFPA color marking but paint doesn't last, and is non-reflective. When I found your product, I wanted to try it. To me it seemed too simple to be."
"When the sample came we put it to use. I was great, it solved our problems. With budgets being cut I was able to do all of our hydrants on one side this year and finish them with the next budget. I will supply some to the water co. to have on hand when they replace hydrants or add hydrants."
"I think these will hold up to the weather very well. It is great to find a product that does what it is advertised to do. I have gotten a lot of public comment on these, all great."
Eric Small, Chief
Crawfordsville Fire Department
Crawfordsville, IN. 47933
"We are very happy with our 754 blue discs. It has taken us 3 years to finally have enough money to purchase one for each hydrant. Our department size is the County of Abbeville, South Carolina -- 503 square miles. We operated out of 15 fire stations with 325 firefighters."
"We have been able to locate fire hydrants in the dead of night, versus folks that have fought a fire with tankers, when across the road was a hydrant in the weeds. Now we are seeing the hydrants' owners take more pride in house keeping around their hydrants. The public even calls in to hydrant owners asking why the weeds are not being cut and also landowners cut weeds around hydrants when trimming their land."
"These disc today are saving us diesel fuel on each call. Our fire fighters as the drive their fire district area in normal life travel have learned the location of "THIER" hydrants. They are able to direct the second in engine to the closest hydrant to the fire. In our rural area we have 100's of grass and woods fires, so with volunteers you never know who is working their job and who will be able to respond, so with everybody having fire hydrant location training every night that they drive their personal car, is a great added value of this product. It works for us every night 365/366 nights per year."
Dan Evatt
County Of Abbeville
Fire MAarshal
Abbeville County Fire Department
Head Risk Manager
"They work great for us."
Thank you!
Chief Cliff Oliver
Cedar Springs VFD #2
Scottsville, KY
Q & A with Manheim Fire Chief -- Duane Ober
MAH: “Chief Ober, so you've had the Mark-A-Hydrant reflectors for two years now, what do you think?”
Chief Ober: “We're still very happy with them and we've had a lot of positive comments about them. Their visibility is great. Another good thing has been that our firefighters have become more aware of where all the hydrants are, because they see where they are everyday - at non-emergency times.”
MAH: “How have they held up for you?”
Chief Ober: “In two years we've had to replace less than 5 markers (of 600 markers) and those were near the school.”
MAH: “How do they compare to what you had before?”
Chief Ober: “Without a doubt, they stand out much more than the wands we were using. The wands are only effective when there is a lot of snow. Also, the wands are 5 times more costly.”
Articlefrom the SandPaper.net:
Click for full article.
November 2009
"This is a very good product! Had this put on all of my Hydrants in Hamlin Tx. It makes a BIG Different. We as a Fire Dept. love this and makes our job easy to find a Hydrant. If you like more information on this product. Please email at
Hamlinfire@classicnet.net. Please I love to talk about this product."
Ricky Guerra
Hamlin Fire Dept
From Manheim Fire Department website:
"Seeing any odd lights around town lately? No, it's not aliens, it's our new hydrant markers. The old "stick" style markers have been starting to deteriorate over the years, so we decided to purchase a more efficient replacement. The new markers are plastic rings that fit over the side connections on the hydrant and reflect bright blue light back toward approaching headlights. This will help us to spot hydrants as we approach a fire. This is an example of a purchase made with the funds that we receive from the community during our annual fund drive. To those who responded to the letters and sent a donation back, thank you for your support. We will continue to install markers over the next few weeks, but if you see a hydrant that is not marked, or a marker that is need of repair, please contact us at 665-3661. Please do not handle the "stick" style markers, they have small fiberglass fibers that can rub off onto your hands and are extremely itchy."
"As a firefighter for over 21 years and a Chief Officer for the past four years, I can tell you from experience that this is the best and the brightest marker available. These markers are literally visible for half a mile in extreme darkness."
J.W. Fire Chief
"I have seen a lot of different reflective devices and poles that are used to help a firefighter find a hydrant. The problem with these markers is that they are hard to see and the reflective material wears out quickly. You know as a firefighter that every second counts and the last thing you want is to be searching for a hydrant. These new Mark-A-Hydrants are the best I have seen on the market, they are extremely reflective from a far distance and the shape is very distinctive. You won't drive past these hyrdants. These simple markers could save a life."
A.B. Former Savannah
Firefighter and Current Volunteer Firefighter